Eight years to save our oceans

Seafood Futures Forum, Barcelona for the Marine Stewardship Council


Marine Stewardship Council

Project Type

Hybrid event

About the project

Well-know for its blue fish labels on food from the ocean, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) aims to set standards for sustainable fishing internationally. CCC was asked to produce and stage the first in-person Seafood Futures Forum since the Covid-19 pandemic at the Seafood Expo in Barcelona. This is the MSC’s flagship annual thought-leadership event where attendees hear from industry leaders and thinkers on how the industry can tackle the urgent challenge to end overfishing. The theme 8 Years to Save Our Ocean: The Power of Business as a Lever for Change was strongly linked to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 throughout the project.

CCC delivery

CCC worked closely with the MSC team to:

  • Develop the theming and branding for the event
  • Create promotional and marketing material for social media and mailings, including graphics, videos and web content
  • Co-manage invitation list and registrations
  • Manage venue liaison and technical staging of the event in Barcelona
  • Speaker and panelist liaison
  • Liaise with the livestream providers
  • Create video and interactive content for event
  • Produce and manage the live event in Barcelona
  • Shoot and edit on-location post-event interviews
Opening video produced by CCC for the Seafood Futures Forum 2022


Taking place at a time when global travel was still restricted for many countries, the event was a welcome opportunity to get together both in the room and on-line. The Forum always enjoys significant coverage throughout fishing industry channels and this event was no exception. As could be expected, the MSC had a record online audience for the livestream, both live and as catch-up after the event.