About the project
Dundee Heritage Trust asked us to help grow their profile as one of Scotland’s must-see visitor attractions through on ongoing programme of PR, including the announcement of funding for Captain Scott’s famous polar research ship.
CCC delivery
For the announcement of National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF) support for RRS Discovery, the world’s first polar research ship, we decided on a ‘saved for the nation’ news hook to make the story as newsworthy as possible. We timed it to go live in the run-up to COP26 being held in Glasgow, positioning it as an environmental story to give it maximum topical relevance. We also worked with a climate change scientist from the University of Dundee to emphasise the importance of Discovery to climate change research.
We sold-in the story, targeting our media contacts; we also galvanised stakeholders, including NHMF and DCMS, to publicise on their channels on the morning of the announcement. Through this approach we achieve extensive, UK-wide and international print and broadcast coverage